Nordcham Vietnam’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023 will be held simultaneously in Hanoi and HCMC. AGM this year will update you on 2022 key developments and strategic results and activity plan for 2023. We will also announce the election results for the 2023 Nordcham Vietnam’s Board Members and Honorary Auditors. Then, you are cordially invited to join us for a networking reception, both in Hanoi and HCMC, with complimentary canapé and Carlsberg beers.
The networking session in HCMC will also mark the launch of the Nordic Hub, a flagship office for Nordcham and its SMEs members.
📅 Wednesday, 1st March, 2023 | From 3:00 PM
📍 Hanoi:
- Meeting: Eurocham Office – Unit 08, 3B Floor, Horison Towers, 40 Cat Linh
- Networking: to be updated
📍 HCMC: Nordic Hub | Sonatus Building, The Sentry, 15 Le Thanh Ton, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1
- Meeting: 3rd Floor
- Networking: 2nd Floor
Please be noted that only paid Ordinary Members are eligible for voting rights. If your payment for membership fee 2023 has yet to come through, make sure you proceed it by 10th February at the latest.
We strongly encourage members to actively participate in the activities of the Chamber hereunder as Board Members. Members who are interested in running for the board should send your one-page profile/bio AND one-page motivation to by 2.00 PM, 15th February.
* Nominees are requested to prepare a 5-minute speech at the AGM.
* Elected Board Members for 2023 will be requested to participate the Strategy day on 25 March.
If you are not able to attend in person, it is important to us that you fill in the Proxy Form here and submit to by 2.00 PM, 22nd February.
- 3.00 PM – 3.30 PM: Registration
- 3.30 PM – 3.40 PM: Welcome remarks by NordCham Chairman
- 3.40 PM – 3.50 PM: Approval of AGM 2022’s meeting minutes
- 3.50 PM – 4.20 PM: 2022 Report of activities; Membership overview; Financial statement; Charter revision proposal
- 4.20 PM – 5.00 PM: NordCham Board candidates’ presentations
- 5.00 PM – 5.10 PM: Election of new Board Members & Honorary auditor(s)
- 5.10 PM – 5.25 PM: Tea-break
- 5.25 PM – 5.45 PM: Activity plan 2023 and Q&A
- 5.45 PM – 6.00 PM: Election results and closing statement
- 6.00 PM – 8.00 PM: Launch of Nordic Hub in HCMC and networking session in Hanoi